I think it’s finally here…

I think Spring is finally here.  This is what the thermometer read just before lunchtime yesterday.

The birds noticed too and are busy telling everyone who will listen.  The trees and shrubs also got busy playing catch-up.  I think nearly every one has a flower going now, including the apple trees.

We have three very mature apple trees the size of the one pictured.  If the cross-pollination thing happens like it should, there should be a large crop of beautiful, juicy apples this year.  Unlike last year, when there were hardly any blooms on the trees and only a few apples to enjoy.  Ah well, too bad we’re moving and won’t be here to eat them this fall.

The volunteer plum tree is blooming beautifully as well.  Now that it is flowering, I noticed a large, similarly flowered tree in the next door neighbor’s front yard.  I guess the squirrels didn’t roam far to drop that seed.

Other sights from our slice of Northwest heaven:

Then there is the loveliest small tree tucked into the worst location for viewing the beautiful blooms.  I thought it was a vine at first, but upon closer inspection it’s definitely a tree.  It is in an out of the way part of the yard, cut off by ivy, and overshadowed by several large trees.  We have to glimpse it through the woods.  Though maybe that makes it more special.

This is what the thermometer reads today.  It would be an understatement to say we spent time both days luxuriating in the sunshine.  I hope it continues.

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