Tag Archives: silk

Playing Catch-Up With Spring

Spring is later than usual in the PNW this year.  I guess that’s what we get for enjoying all that extra snow!  So the usual early spring flowers have been playing catch-up over the last week, the trees are adding … Continue reading

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Continuing Color Play

Today’s post is a continuation of the theme from the last one – spinning colorful yarn from hand-dyed fiber.  (And for the record, no, we didn’t blow away.  We didn’t even lose power.  I think it’s because we were prepared … Continue reading

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Cool Summer Knitting

There are only a few rules for summertime knitting: it needs to be portable and it needs to not make your hands sweat.  Preferably, it should also be quick and easy.  Because keeping up with a complicated pattern while also … Continue reading

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Minarets and Lace

About a month ago I teased you with photos of a lovely lace shawl on the needles, but never showed you the finished shawl.  Well, wait no longer. This is the Minarets and Lace shawl by Mary-Anne Mace.  I knit … Continue reading

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Ever have one of those spots of time where it just seems to jump forward?  I have no idea what happened to the last several weeks.  I was there, I did work, I did the normal non-work things, I slept … Continue reading

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The Greening

Today the sun is out, the sky is blue, and the plants in my yard are putting out new little green leaf buds.  The hyacinths I showed you earlier this week are well up out of the dirt now, and … Continue reading

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Add Another One To The Pile

You know how I said that my latest cardigan project had gotten to the point where I could just zoom along on it to the finish?  Well, “zoom” turned out to be a good word to use.  I worked on … Continue reading

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Spinning: Fractal BFL/Tussah Silk

I just realized that I forgot to show you this little spinning adventure.  I’m absolutely shocked that it slipped through, since I am so excited with how it turned out.  I blame the distraction on the adventures that have popped … Continue reading

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