Tag Archives: design

Recovery Work

Early last week I went in for the second of several rounds of oral surgery that my lovely periodontist has planned for me.  He says we may get to delay the rest of them indefinitely, which is just fine with … Continue reading

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Big Projects at a Small Gauge

I found myself at my local yarn shop (LYS, in knitterspeak) a few weeks ago, in need of several new circular needles.  My being at the yarn shop is nothing new – I’m there for their open Knit Night every … Continue reading

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Playing Catch-Up With Spring

Spring is later than usual in the PNW this year.  I guess that’s what we get for enjoying all that extra snow!  So the usual early spring flowers have been playing catch-up over the last week, the trees are adding … Continue reading

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Playing with Texture and Scale

There’s a small spinning mill, called Abundant Earth Fiber, on nearby Whidbey Island that I have had the pleasure to visit.  It’s fabulous fun to see how the yarn is made.  (Check out their Instagram feed for short video glimpses … Continue reading

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The Recovery Zone

I think most crafters would agree: after so many weeks/months of making things for others, there is a strong urge to just make something for one’s self.  This is very strongly felt around the end-of-year holidays.  I willingly admit that … Continue reading

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Wrap Up

I know I’m a tad overdue for this Holiday gifting wrap-up post – and several of you have reminded me that I’m more than a tad overdue for a post of any kind.  Let’s just say that the period from … Continue reading

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I bet y’all are a little bored of so many spinning adventures in a row.  So let’s return to the land of knitting, shall we?  I’m playing with color there too, with a little texture thrown in for good measure. … Continue reading

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No Time To Talk

Have you ever encountered one of those weeks, where everything sort of piles on itself and there is no time to catch a breath?  I know you have.  Everybody has.  Well, that’s what happened to the last several weeks.  Mom … Continue reading

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A Study In Blues

It seems that I’m in a mood to work with the color blue lately.  There was the cabled pools shawl that I showed you a few weeks ago.  And the experimental spinning project – though I really expected that to … Continue reading

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Cabled Pools Shawl

I must have brought the sun back with me from vacation.  It has been sunny and warm so many days in the last few weeks that we’re beginning to think summer has arrived early.  We know that can’t be true … Continue reading

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