Monthly Archives: January 2016

Drape-front Cardigan – Finished!

Remember the drape-front cardigan experiment?  If not, you can catch up with my earlier posts about it here and here.  By now you’re probably thinking, “how long could a couple of sleeves take to finish?”  In my defense, you KNOW … Continue reading

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Playing with Color

I acquired this braid of hand-dyed Polwarth fiber at one of the fiber events last year, though I didn’t have a plan for it at the time.  I simply was attracted to the colors and was interested in spinning Polwarth … Continue reading

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Spinning for a Sweater – All Spun Up!

The last time we checked in on this project, I had finished plying the singles into two large hanks of 3-ply, DK weight yarn.  But I had discovered that my estimate for how much spinning fiber I would need was … Continue reading

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Snow Moon Shawl

Following closely on the heels of the release of the Northern Lights shawl pattern, the designer started a test knit for another pattern that I couldn’t resist.  Really, she just keeps cranking them out (it’s rather astonishing how prolific she … Continue reading

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Under Wraps

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays as much as I did.  To be honest, I wasn’t enjoying it much in November and December when I did the thing that I told Husband I wouldn’t do this year … Continue reading

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