To Fix or Not to Fix?

Some of you may be wondering about the frequency of my posts this week.  Yes, I’ve been posting more often than usual.  To be honest, it’s because I’ve been bedridden for most of the week and attempting to break up the monotony of sitting in one place for the majority of the day.  No, it’s not life-threatening.  I caught a cold that morphed into an ear infection.  Some of you may also remember the last time I caught a cold and was in bed for the better part of a week – I knocked out a sweater.  Well this time might not be that different.  (Wait and see!)

Here are my two finished sleeves on the cabled pullover project.  One sleeve is showing you the pattern along the top side of the arm, the other is showing you the pattern along the underside of the arm.


Do you see something funny?  There in the upper part of the “top side” sleeve.

Here, let me zoom in a bit.


Now do you see it?

That, my friends, is a wrongly crossed cable.  Smack in the middle of my bicep.  It should look just like the one right next to it, but doesn’t.  I blame the medicine head.

But all swearing and blaming aside, what to do about it now?  Well I can’t just leave it there!  Call me a perfectionist all you like, but this is the final copy of my favorite sweater that I’ve been waiting to wear for something like 5-10 years.  There is no way I’m going to wear it out into the world with a wonky cable right there like a patch on my arm.  No way!

Cringe if you like, I’m going to rip back and fix it.  Or rather, I’m going to try dropping down just within those few columns of stitches to fix it, and if that doesn’t work I’ll rip back the whole top of the sleeve and knit it back up again.  The nature of interlacing cables being what it is, I’m not sure that the first method won’t end up with me ripping the whole thing out anyway just to get to those eight stitches on that one row.  There are Knitters (with a capital K) who would suggest cutting and grafting to fix this kind of issue, but I am not one of those brave souls.

So I’m diving in, down the stitch columns.  Cross your fingers for me.

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