I spent last week on spring break with my family in Memphis. The weather was gorgeous nearly all week, with temps in the 70’s and 80’s. I even got a bit of sunburn on my face and scalp (a drawback of being blessed with thin, reddish blond hair) the day we took the kids to the zoo. I soaked up as many hugs, porch time, new blooms, light breezes, bird song, and sunshine as I could and stored it away in my internal “springtime battery.” I knew I would be returning to a much cooler climate at the end of the week.
You can imagine my surprise to come back home and find my own yard well on its way to springtime. High 50’s and sunshine the past three days led me to get outside and walk the yard. This is what I found:
I recognize the grape hyacinths and forsythia, but I have no idea what the two white flowering shrubs might be. Suggestions?
Fiancé was surprised to learn that all of this was going on while he is working his tush off on a deadline. Really too bad he can’t get out and enjoy it. I have always associated forsythia blooms with the actual start of spring, so I am super excited to see two large clusters of them from my windows. Oh, and today I have a view of the mountains too. Definitely coming down with a hefty case of spring fever.